Finally, after 10 years, I am back!
Jeff insisted to take a picture of me for the first day of school.
The first class was the Data-Driven Instrument Performance. All doctoral students in the class. Iris (the instructor) gave us a short presentation about the new mixing board [MIDAS] setting. Thursday night is my first studio time. Can’t wait for that.
Second class from 10 to 11 is the one I am teaching this term — Digital Audio and Sound Design. A lot of students in the class-34 of them total. It is gonna have a lot of grading to do. The lecture went well; at least I think it went well. Not sure how the students thought. They are SUPER quiet, just like LCC students.
Went to library cafe while waiting for next class. Had my lunch (while spaghetti sauce) there, while I was working on scheduling my studio time. The next class Romantic Era Seminar, I took it 10 (or 12? ) years ago when I was studied for my composition Ph.D. Still very exciting topic and content. Marian is a great teacher. Kind and fun. The reading assignment is huge, daunting, and almost impossible though. : ) I was using my iPad to take the notes, and in the middle of class, she said to the class asking us not using devices to take notes. I put it away. After the class dismissed, she said to me that she is not worry about me using the device, but do not want to have any chances for other students who may explore the electronics in the class. That is nice of her to let me know that. Totally understand. Taking notes by hand is great as well for me.
Well, it was a fantastic first day of my school.
I am looking forward to the day now, starting in … 53 minutes!.