BRIDGE Exhibitions – Alte Innenstadt Vido Stroll

Finished the art project for Earthbound Moon (Lee). It is up now in downtown viewing. Liked the concept of it and hope can develop this project further more.

Some more headphones for the viewing will help the experience. This could be a nice note for the future.

On Friday night, there will be a performance at the Doc’s. I want to see if I can perform the “Giant Dipper”.

Giant Dipper Premiere

Giant Dipper was premiered last night at FMO concert. Everything went well. Audience seemed liked it. I am happy that I can pulled it together. It was very hard. I almost gave it up three weeks ago. Not enough sleep, piles of gradings and projects… and still going on. But it’s all good.

Thinking about my next project… Some video/picture and MAX?

Two Performances

Two weeks ago, The Beautiful Feather and La’ah were performed in Portland at Caldera concert. Sarah Nemecek (dancer/choreographer) drove up to Portland to perform my music. I am so grateful to have chances to work with her. A wonderful person to work with.

Last Friday, Metamorphose (Tree Projection) was installed in Eugene downtown BEAM event. Jayling and Jayshing were there with their friends. Glad many people we know showed up to support.

兩週前,The Beautiful Feather 和 La’ah在波特蘭舉行的Caldera戶外音樂會上演出。 Sarah Nemecek(舞蹈家/舞蹈指導)開車去波特蘭表演我的音樂。我很高興有機會和她一起工作。一個很棒的人。

上週五,Metamorphose(Tree Projection)安裝在Eugene市中心的BEAM活動中。 Jayling和Jayshing和他們的朋友在一起。很高興很多朋友都到現場表示支持。

TaiHei Ensemble Performance Tonight

Tonight at 7:30, the UO TaiHei Ensemble will perform my composition “River Snow” for Violin and Cello. This piece was composed 10 years ago and have been performed many times in different venues. The Chinese poem inspired me was written by Liu Zangyuan (773—819). I am so grateful to be connected to UO School of Music still and excited to meet some young composers (younger than me..) tonight.