The Ocean Thief

Combining Kyma with video, photo animation, and narrative voice, The Ocean Thief tells the story of a young girl whose beach-written story is stolen by the ocean, and her seagoing adventures as she fights to get it back. Filmed in Oregon (U.S.A.) and blue screen studios, the story explores the plight of the artist’s voice in a sea of voices, using metaphor to examine creativity, ancestry, mortality, and time.


Jefferson J. Goolsby, Video Artist/Story Writer

The Feather

“The Feather” is a story inspiring us to speak up despite the overwhelming voices around us. The performance uses musical composition, video projection, and modern dance to paint a picture of a girl following her own voice amongst a sea of negativity.


Mei-ling Lee, Composer

Jefferson J. Goolsby, Story Writer

Sarah M. Nemecek, Dancer and Choreographer

Terry Holloway, Multimedia Artist