The Ocean Thief

Combining Kyma with video, photo animation, and narrative voice, The Ocean Thief tells the story of a young girl whose beach-written story is stolen by the ocean, and her seagoing adventures as she fights to get it back. Filmed in Oregon (U.S.A.) and blue screen studios, the story explores the plight of the artist’s voice in a sea of voices, using metaphor to examine creativity, ancestry, mortality, and time.


Jefferson J. Goolsby, Video Artist/Story Writer

The Feather

“The Feather” is a story inspiring us to speak up despite the overwhelming voices around us. The performance uses musical composition, video projection, and modern dance to paint a picture of a girl following her own voice amongst a sea of negativity.


Mei-ling Lee, Composer

Jefferson J. Goolsby, Story Writer

Sarah M. Nemecek, Dancer and Choreographer

Terry Holloway, Multimedia Artist


La’ah is composed for solo dance. The original idea comes from “playing with the voice”. We were mimicing the sound of a boy trying to say “La” but cut the sound suddenly in the middle of his breath.

In the fall of 2005, I took a Dance and Coreographer class. In the class,  I met Carrie Goodnights, a graduate student from dance department. We started to collaborate in some small projects. Carrie told me an experience she had several years ago in an airport. In the airport, she saw boy was playing with himself while waiting for the flight with his family. This boy, about five years old, started to make some funny sound out of his throat.

This little fun seed is developed as the boy playing along with himself. I was playing with the sound as well. The excitement come from the “secret joy”. Have you even be so happy and excited for something by yourself in your own world? Imaging that little boy, totally having fun with his own world, even there were people walking pass by, noises around him, he did not care at all, all he wants is making funny sound out of his mouse and be happy with it.



This is a collaboration project with John Watson (Video Artist).

Dance Suite

Dance Suite for clarinet and dance is comprised of three short movements with two mini- interludes in between, which are designed as short breaks for the dancer.

As the subtitles suggest, each movement has its own character. This piece tries to catch various moods – sometimes happy, sometimes grumpy, sometimes jolly, and sometimes nutty.

This recording was performed Blake McGee (clarinetist) and Carrie Goodnight (dancer/choreographer).