Combining Kyma with video, photo animation, and narrative voice, The Ocean Thief tells the story of a young girl whose beach-written story is stolen by the ocean, and her seagoing adventures as she fights to get it back. Filmed in Oregon (U.S.A.) and blue screen studios, the story explores the plight of the artist’s voice in a sea of voices, using metaphor to examine creativity, ancestry, mortality, and time.
Without Title contains three Chinese songs as follows:
Without Title 無題
by Li Shang-yin 李商隱 (812?-858)
Last night’s stars, last night’s wind
West of the painted pavilion, east of the cassia hall.
Our bodies have no colorful phoenix-wings to fly side by side;
Our ears are linked to each other as if by the line in the magic horn.
As she passed the hook from another seat, the spring wine was warm;
Divided into teams, we guessed at riddles under the red candle’s light.
Alas, I had to answer the call of duty when the drum sounded,
And ride my horse to the Orchid Terrace, like a tumbleweed in the wind.
The East wind sighs, the fine rains come,
Beyond the lotus pond, faint thunder.
A gold toad gnaws the lock. Open it, burn the incense.
A jade tiger pulls the rope. Draw from the well and escape.
Lady Chia peeped through the curtain at young Secretary Han;
Princess Fu left a pillow to the gifted Prince of Wei.
Never let your heart open with the spring flowers,
One inches of love is an inch of ashes.
Bite back passions. Spring now sets.
Watch little by little the night turn around.
Echoes in the house; want to go up, dare not.
A glow behind the screen, wish to go through, can not.
It would hurt too much, the swallow on a hairpin;
Truly shame me, the phoenix on a mirror.
On the road back, sunrise over Heng-t’ang.
The blossoming if the morning-star shines farewell on the jeweled saddle.
This piece is dedicated to Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut.
This piece has three sections, each of them conveying a similar idea. In the first section, the names of the victims of the shooting are floating in the air. The second section’s lyric is based on the poem “Cradle Song”, a lullaby by the dramatist Thomas Dekker in the 17th century. Though 400 years old, the poem may seem familiar from its use in a song by the Beatles. The last section is a traditional Taiwanese Lullaby, depicting a mother swinging her baby to sleep.
To Heaven is constructed live with real-time processed sound. The only pre-recorded sounds are the names from the Sandy Hook tragedy.