收蕃茄並冷凍。還摘了一整籃蘋果。 Jayling和Jayshing也幫忙做蘋果乾。今年的蕃茄不如去年多,可是也很好吃。我們仍有7或8袋冷凍。蘋果很棒。前花園的蘋果樹有三種不同的品種,所有的蘋果味道都很棒。感謝爺爺婆婆去年努力的照顧那些果樹。
15年前,當我開始我的第一個博士課程時,傑夫和我同意將星期六保持為“家庭日”。不工作,不寫作業, 只有家人在星期六聚在一起活動,除非有一些事件不能重新安排。覺得這麼多年下來,運作得很好。有時仍希望你能在星期六繼續工作,但與你的家人度過“不可分割的”時間是非常重要的。
Worked in the garden harvesting tomatoes and freeze them. Also picked a full basket of apples. Jayling and Jayshing helped prepared them for dehydration. This year, the tomato are not doing as well s last year, but we still have 7 or 8 bags to freeze. Apples are amazing. The one on the front garden with three different varieties, all of the apples taste so amazing. Thank Ye-yelast year working hard taking care of it.
15 years ago, when I started my first doctoral program, Jeff and I agreed that keeping Saturday our “Family Day”. Not school work, no grading, only family get together doing something on Saturday, unless there is some event can not be rearranged. It worked out pretty well. Sometimes you wish you could keep working on Saturday, but it is so much important to spend “undivided”time with your family.
I feel we did not do very much with the girls yesterday. They were building some kind of cardboard box house on their own, all day. But they were happy , enjoying the time with each other. Jeff and I got to spend some time doing things in the garden, picking tomato, mostly. It was very nice feeling.
Think; we worked so hard for many many years, trying to maintain a job, get more pay… And, now, isn’t all of these are what we were wishing for? If os, why not really take time and enjoy everything around you? Now we have a job, a house, two wonderful daughters, and supportive friends… all of those, are all just in my dream yeas ago. Now I have them all! I need to reminder myself that don’t let all those great moments slip away. Enjoying every moment.