MUS 447 had midterm today. Most of the students finished in 20 minutes. That is impressive to me. But not sure if they did well or not. I glanced Quickly on the first listening questions. Many of them leave a lot of blanks… well. We will see.
Spend most of the day working on the Romntic era seminar term paper. Marian (the teacher) does not want us to use or check any information outside the score. It is kind of fun to do some analysis of the music, but not sure if I a, on the right track.
This morning went to Edison to see Jayshing’s Halloween parade. She is cute. It this morning at breakfast, she was acting up, making me feel so not happy….well, now she is laying in bed next to me. She gave me a huge hug when she came home and apologized to me. She is just 8. I should just enjoyed the time with her.
jeff took the girls to tricker treating tonight. I had a late OEDO class and stayed working at UO
Our bunny, churros, ran out his cage two days ago. We can not find him. Jayling was crying in bed earlier, missing him. I feel heart breaking. She must feel so bad as well. Poor churros, I pray someone find him and keeps him well.
still a lot of gradings to catch up…